Do a good job in solid wood door maintenance in summer to avoid exposure and dampness

For solid wood doors, summer is definitely a difficult season. Sometimes it is a sunny day for a few days, the weather is very dry, sometimes it is rainy and rainy, and the humidity is high. This kind of weather can easily lead to deformation and cracking of solid wood doors. Then as a careful consumer, how to maintain the solid wood door in the summer to avoid the impact of exposure and moisture on the door quality?

Do a good job in solid wood door maintenance in summer. Avoid exposure and moisture.

Do a good job in solid wood door maintenance in summer to avoid exposure and dampness

Summer solid wood door maintenance knowledge

In summer, if the climate is dry (especially in the arid regions of the north), experts recommend that the solid wood door should be treated every 20-40 days, but the moisture of the solid wood door cannot be provided by moisture, nor is it simply wiped with a wet rag. Because the solid wood door panel will leave traces on the door surface if there is liquid for a long time.

Therefore, solid wood doors should use professional solid wood door care and care wax, because they contain natural orange oil that is easily absorbed by wood fiber, which can lock the moisture in the wood, prevent the wood from cracking and deforming, and nourish the wood, thus making the solid wood door Replay brilliance from inside to outside to extend door life. However, the use of walnut oil to nourish the solid wood door in summer is easy to leave a trace of sweat on the solid wood door panel. Therefore, it is best not to use walnut oil for the maintenance of solid wood doors in summer.

In summer, you need to avoid moisture, especially in summer, because you need to do some moisture-proof work.

Try to avoid the outdoor sun to expose the door to the whole or part of the door for a long time. It should be placed in a place where it can avoid the sun, or use a translucent tulle curtain (curtain decoration effect map) to separate the direct sunlight.

In this way, it does not affect indoor lighting, but also protects indoor furniture. In addition, the door should be kept away from heat sources or air conditioning vents to avoid large temperature differences that can damage or prematurely age the door.

The above is a description of how to maintain the solid wood door in the summer, I hope that through these maintenance skills to better do the wooden door maintenance work.

Editor in charge: Wang Feiran

Accent Furniture


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